This is an older post, just never got fully completed,
The United States of America, is changing. Its progressively transforming... But how so, here are just a few key points that I would like to bring up:
Are we as Americas allowed, yes allowed, to oppose a President, ie. President Obama, and not be accussed of not liking him or not wanting him things to work because he is African American. (Its a very shallow accusation, but one that has been made, just listen to the latest Diane Watson quotes..
This debate for me centers around Rush Limbaugh's comments of when he states that he wants President Obama to fail. If I state that I want President Obama to fail, it is because I want his ideas and principles to fail, not him. IT is a matter of idealogy and not race, is it that hard to see? I know he is the 1st Africian American President, but if we are truly "post racial" then lets just leave it at that and DEBATE the issues. Now, can America continue to be the leader of the world with the changes he wants to bring? I do not know for sure, but I do knew what values, principles, and ideals I do believe in are changing. Do you want America to be what Obama wants it to be, and if you feel that way then okay, but do NOT make it about race!
Here is the question I need to ask, since the Health Care Bill is at the center of the news. Is it the government's duty to become a part of the "private sector" and why in the hell would we want it?
Alright I get it, what does unregulated captialism led too.. greed, those greedy insurance companies I tell you. I know the health care system is out of control, I pay doctors bills. But look how the government has handled all that it has taken over! Do you truly believe that government involvement at this high of level, now even more in health care is good?
It is tempting, we all want someone to take care of us... but today I want me to take care of myself!
Mary and Joseph part 2
2 years ago